Dashain and Tihar Homework
15 Qbasic programming 1. WAP to find the area of rectangle CLS INPUT " Enter Length";L INPUT " Enter Breadth" B Area = L*B PRINT " Area of rectangle is= "; Area END 2. WAP to display the area of circle. CLS INPUT "Enter radius";R A = 22/7*R ^ 2 PRINT "Area of circle=";A END 3. WAP to display the area of square CLS INPUT "Enter length";L A = L ^2 PRINT "Area of square=";A END 4. WAP to find the area of triangle. CLS INPUT "Enter breadth"; B INPUT "Enter height"; H A=1/2*H PRINT "Area of triangle="; A END 5. WAP to display the volume of cylinder. CLS INPUT "Enter radius"; R ...